Here we go again. Not much to say this time and a big pause in the middle while I realized that the next bit in the comments section under the last clip was a discussion and not further questions for me.
As before, if you have some questions, stick them in the comments here.
excellent, my physical copy of mason's rats just increases in value then! ;p
could your typical war drone (or say its submind) survive 1,200 degrees celsius, or the heat of a very hot volcano?
seems some have survived attacks that have been at least that hot.
More Mason's rats please.
Do you think you could squeeze a novel out of the idea?
It's the kind of thing you'll have to put in a glass case, Kirby.
I suspect Sniper's nano-chain chromium drone shell could survive that temperature, Vaude.
Conan, I manage to squeeze a novel out of a title so, yes, I expect so.
grab yourself a copy of windows live movie maker, its easy to use to edit your clips, take bits out, put bits in etc! most importantly its free!!
Hey, I still want some questions!
Ha, ok! I watched an interview where you talk about some sort of film you submitted some writing for, heavy metal? Whats going on with that? And also (though this may be stupid as im aware you spend half the year in crete) do you have any pets. Could definately see you liking something like a rhino iguana or the like :)
That's a start, Spencer, and the first question is related to that blur post.
Let's have some more questions people!
Will you revisit the Cowl universe at some point?
What direction are you taking the Polity novels in next?
I particularly like Sniper - which of your characters are/were most enjoyable to write?
Where do you advise someone who is thinking of writing scifi to start?
That's more like it. Thanks Disco Stu.
Just three more...probably...
Your personal recommendations of 'definitely-must-read-this' sci-fi literature?
What are your current top 5 sci-fi films?
And finally...
If you HAD to be one of your own characters which would it be? ...and feel free to explain.
That’s it - consider yourself thoroughly probed.
How odd: I was wondering just yesterday, what is Neal Ashers top ten 10 SciFi books of all time. And which ones have you consciously tipped a nod to in homage to another author?
And its interesting you say that Graeme because I was only wondering if there was somewhat of an homage on page 194 of Orbus? (Though not to a book...)
Mr Disco. I will now go and look at page 194 and see if I see anything at all. I probably haven't read nearly enough SciFi to recognise a homage even if it was bright red, enormous and screaming I'm a homage, and I was the only person in sight of the homage beast.
But I would still like an answer :-)
Which copy of Orbus are we talking about here? Page 194 of the hardback might not be 194 of the paperback.
If it's the hardback, then maybe Alien Mr Disco. But I would need a proper clue.
Ah...hadnt thought about that Neal. Its the hardback, and I was thinking Alien, Graeme.
Mindyou I have watched Alien and Aliens in the last week so it could have been my own minds-eye doing the work.
Just got a vision of that mutated 3rd childs jointed legs drawing himself out of the pipe as very similar to the facehugger emerging from an egg case.
Is there an homage there Mr Asher?
Out of interest how does hardback/softback wordcount compare?
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