Friday, November 17, 2006

Beckett and co.

I sometimes I wonder if I’m awake or if I've drifted off to sleep and am now having a nightmare about living in Swiftian political satire.

So, we have firemen who refuse to hand out leaflets at a gay pride march being pilloried and then sent for ‘diversity training’ (Yeah, okay, what about the right of a heterosexual man to feel pretty damned uncomfortable dressed as a fireman amidst a bunch of gays? How about if he dressed as an American indian or motorcycle cop, or a construction worker?) We have an anti-Midas left-wing demagogue waiting to grab the reins of power – a prick who thinks it perfectly fine to change the law because those whose opinions he doesn’t agree with aren't being thrown into prison. And then we have Margaret Beckett, who claims that those who disagree with the AGW theory are little different from supporters of Islamic terrorism and should be denied access to the media. (Yep, people like me frequently support those strapping Semtex around their waists and converting innocent people into something like an abbatoir waste-heap.) I’d like to think she’s just a moronic twat who put her foot in her mouth. The unfortunate reality is that she’s only moronic in so far as she said out loud what she and all her comrades believe.

Let me reprise that: we have re-education camps for the politically incorrect, we have a potential leader ready to trample over the legal system to implement his ideology, and we have a minister now quite prepared to destroy the freedom of the press and free speech (though of course moves have already been made in that direction). And these are just three recent examples.

A message to all those who voted this herd of scabrous pus-dripping Orwellian pigs to the trough of power not once but twice: DON’T FUCKING DO IT AGAIN! Have you actually joined up the dots now, after nine years, and understood what a monster you’ve unleashed on us all? Wake up, just because this party is called Labour does not mean it has anything at all to do with the working man. Another vote for these cunts is another vote for an increasingly totalitarian government. Vote for them again and it is quite likely you’ll lose the right to vote them out of power next time round. Vote for them and you are voting for the future of your child – one in which he reports your political incorrectness, or a clip round the ear you gave him, to the school authorities so he gets taken away and you get sent for re-education. Vote for them and eventually all you earn will be taken away to be redistributed on the basis of need – decided by the government, of course. Vote for them and it’ll be the job of some indolent over-paid public sector official to tell you when to take a shit in the morning and how much broccoli to have with your vegetarian eco-friendly fucking nut-roast.



  1. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Hey Neal,
    your phone started making those funny crackles yet?

  2. Anonymous9:41 pm

    Neal, I get where you're coming from but leave the nut roasts out of it :-) Some of us manage good rants on those, you know, although its a bugger fighting off the squirrels for them.

  3. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Sounds like the Clinton Era all over again. We'll be back to that in my country soon enough, God help us.

    BTW, we are having a "smashing" chat on Orwell over at Asimov's. Might pop in and add your six pences.

    Reading Gridlinked and liking it.

    S. F. Murphy
    Flyover Country, US

  4. Anonymous2:48 pm

    I still can't believe I voted for Blair the first time round...

  5. Anonymous3:24 pm

    Drake, no funny crackles yet, but I look forward to a visit in the early hours of the morning:

    “One of the most important signs of the existence of a democracy is that when there is a knock at the door at 5 in the morning, one is completely certain that it is the milkman.” - Winston Churchill

    Joe, sorry, I'll concentrate on vegetarian sausages or something.

    Steven, Yeah, I had a look at that Orwell debate. They'll be saying next that the pig Napoleon was really Hitler... Glad you're enjoying Gridlinked.

    Chris, shame on you. But I guess your cynicism is fighting fit now?
