Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well, being the publicity tart that I am, I've now started doing a few bits with a Myspace account I got about two years ago. The profile URL is: and the blog Url is: I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to go with this that'll make it any different from what I've already got (I've already copied blog posts across). Anyway, it gives me another excuse not to get on with writing...

Hey, come and be my friend - I'll look a bit sad if there's only one or two listed.


  1. attempted to "friend" you a year or so ago. ;p this is great. i won't need to re-post your skinner stuff on my myspace blog anymore. ;p


  2. Ahah, your Myspace has confirmed something about you for me, Kirby. You're bonkers.

  3. ahhaha... sure but in one of those amusing, harmless, and charming ways. and this week? i'm buddhist. i like to change religion and other personal details occasionally to keep people on their toes. i keep waiting for myspace to add "transgender" and "hasidic jew" a combination, i dare say, one doesn't find much.
