Monday, July 30, 2007

Death Ray Magazine.

I must get hold of a copy of Death Ray Magazine. Here's either part or all of a review in it of Hilldiggers:

"Asher has an axe to grind, but what a shiny, well-honed and beautifully weighted axe it is... He's on top of his game with this one and his confidence entwines a fibrous thread throughout the plot. Multiple narratives occurring in different time frames, shifts between first-and third-person perspectives, a detailed and convincing description of planetary ecosystems...In lesser hands, a rambling wayward text could well result. What we have instead is a wonderfully rich and complex tale that happily flips between giving the mind something weighty to mull over and pleasing its baser, thrill-seeking desires... Asher's skill is making it all seem wild, wonderful, politically provoking and fresh."

Very nice.


  1. Anonymous2:23 pm

    I'm in the middle of reading Hilldiggers at the moment and loving it. From what I've read so far, that review does it complete and utter justice.

  2. hey! Yesterday I found out I won the Hidiggers copy from Pat's Fantasy Hotlist! Now I'll get the chance to check it against the review :)

  3. You might want to get SFX as well, they rather liked it too. Well natch!

  4. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Almost done and I have enjoyed it quite a bit -- almost as much as Cowl or Polity Agent, which remain my favorites. (I apologize if having favorites implies that I don't like the rest; I do.)

    I particularly like the first-person passages, which avoid the sort of ... I want to say "cutesiness" or "preciousness," but "disingenuousness" is probably the most appropriate word ... that often irritates me or creeps me out in first-person SF.

  5. Seems to be going well. I've seen the SFX one - very nice. Interesting how Saxon Bullock refers to The Line of Polity as the best. Elsewhere I've seen is slated as being crap in comparison to Gridlinked. What's a girl to do?
