Thursday, August 09, 2007

Get 'em while they're hot!

Forbidden Planet in Shaftsbury Avenue London has numerous signed copies of my books, and now Waterstones in Lakeside Thurrock has plenty too. In the latter you'll find signed copies of Hilldiggers along with signed paperback copies of all my others from Macmillan. Many thanks to the staff of both shops for putting up with me!


  1. Any chance of you doing a signing in or near Wales at any time, Neal?

  2. I hope they fly off the shelves fast. Did the book-signing yesterday went well? I May be mistaken, but I believe you were never invited to come to Portugal, so my chances for getting your books signed are flimsy at best. Second best thing though, I just received the "Hilldiggers" Hardcover I've won through Pat's Fantasy List.

  3. I'd love it if you could venture up to Manchester as well Neal.

    I guess though, keeping the signings relatively close to home cuts down on the stress, costs and general intrusion into your writing time.

    If I had to chose between a book being written faster and getting to meet you, the book wins every time ;-)

  4. Anonymous9:34 am

    I will quite happily second that!

  5. ah i found my copy in the post today, signed, thank you forbidden planet! the packing of the books i ordered was amazing. each of the three volumes were wrapped in waved cardboard, taped close, and then layered in shredded newsprint, nested in another box.

    thanks for the tip, Neal. 8)

    signed, a happy kirby
