Friday, August 24, 2007

Hilldiggers Reviews.

Excellent reviews of Hilldiggers have now appeared in the national (mainly SFF film and TV oriented) magazines SFX, Starburst and Deathray. Here’s some samples from them:

It might not quite trump his barnstorming epic The Line of Polity, but if there’s a more enjoyable and provocative sci-fi action saga this year, we’ll be surprised.

– Saxon Bullock (SFX)

So, despite the space-war back ground, what Asher actually delivers here is a political novel, about conflicts between military and civilian authorities, between war and post-war generations, messianic belief, and the balancing of truth and reconciliation in the aftermath of atrocities – with massive space battles and scheming boo-hiss villians who show unexpected sides as an added bonus.

Anthony Brown (Starburst)

In lesser hands a rambling, wayward, text could result. What we have instead is a wonderfully rich and complex tale which happily flips between giving the mind something to mull over, and pleasing its baser thrill-seeking desires.

– Jonnie Bryant (Deathray)


  1. I'm reading Hilldiggers now, Neal, and absolutely loving it. You know how to tighten those dramatic screws, and then tighten them some more.

    One of your best I reckon.

    Which makes me wonder why I'm wasting my time reading blogs.

  2. Anonymous3:50 pm

    I finally managed to get my review done and it's now up at Have a look and let me know what you think!
