Thursday, February 28, 2008

Crete Adventure (delayed)

I will write more about this anon, but right now I've got loads of work to do and rather a lot on my mind. However, just to keep it live, here's a picture of the view from our front terrace out there...

Now is that cool enough to set teeth gnashing?


  1. Anonymous9:21 am

    You're not winning any friends by doing things like that

  2. Ah Olaf, if I was out to make friends there's a hell of a lot throughout this blog I wouldn't have written. I wouldn't spout my opinions about AGW, socialism, the Anti-Midas Brown and his bunch of anus-lickers, the tossers at the BBC etc etc. The problem is that if it's fluffy bunnies all the way, no one reads your blog.

  3. Anonymous9:24 am

    If you look closely, tracking left and zoom in (bladerunner like). You can just make out a fluffy bunny. Ahhhh.

    Is you pad similar to the one in the distance? If it is then I am jealous.

  4. Check back to the Feb 9th posts, Mark.
