Thursday, December 11, 2008

Galactic North

I just finished Galactic North the other day, and am now looking forward to reading The Prefect. It’s nice to be once again reminded why I enjoyed reading his Revelation Space series. A few of the stories in here I’d read before (was The Great Wall of Mars in Interzone?) but I still enjoyed them second time around. The story Galactic North seemed a bit disjointed, but I still enjoyed the big space and huge breadths of time. All of it: huge Gothic spaceships, weapons like dangerous beasts lurching in cathedral caches, borge-like ultras, nano-plagues and … more stuff with Conjoiners in it, please, Alastair!


  1. Anonymous7:25 pm

    If you liked "Chasm City" you will enjoy "The Prefect". I don't want to spoil any details, but some of your wishes (borge-like ultras, nano-plagues and … more stuff with Conjoiners in it) will come true. And it definitly ends the small but noticeable downward trend of "Absolution Gap". God, I just love the Revelation Space and I so hope he isn't finished with it yet.

    Anyway, I finished "Pushing Ice" some weeks ago and can only recommend that one too, especially for everyone who enjoys Rama-like first-contact settings.

  2. I'll certainly have a crack at that too.

  3. I second that - Pushing Ice is good. I also enjoyed Galactic North and like the Revelation Space universe in general - it's dark, edgy and there's an excellent understated horror element running through the stories.

  4. Anonymous9:59 am

    I love Alastair's short fiction - both this and Zima Blue re great reads. Not so keen on his longer stuff - Pushing Ice is the best I've read although I'm not into his Revelation Space novels :(

  5. Anonymous12:13 pm

    It was Reynold's Revelation space series that got me back into buying Sci-Fi books.

    But I thought they got progressively worse as the series went on. Killing off characters just as they got interesting and brining in new one that seemed almost worthless to the story.
    I thought Redemption Arc was pants. The Deuce Ex at the end was enough for me and I've never bought another one of his books.

    I though Chasm city was his best work. That and the first Revelation Space. The others always felt rushed at the end.

    It was a disappointment because the first few I read were so bloody good.

  6. Anonymous12:40 pm

    I've read Pushing Ice in 2006 and I can also tell it's just great! It's one of the few books I've read in english, couldn't wait for it to be translated.

  7. Anonymous9:49 am

    Pushing Ice and The Prefect for me were a great way to get back into some cracking SciFi having spent an age reading Stephenson's Baroque Trilogy. I think I appreciated Galactic North purely for helping me to fill in a lot of RS universe gaps in my mind.

    If you haven't read the Novellas Diamond Dogs/Turquoise Days then I would go for that one too. TD's mix of gore and mathematical puzzles really pushed my (not so)inner-geek!

    (at risk of being sycophant: currently doing entire run by your good self, up to Brass Man, Mr Crane is awesome!)

  8. Great Wall wasn't in Interzone as far as I know, but was in a Dozois Year's Best.

  9. Blue Tyson, I've just done a search on The Great Wall of Mars. It was published in Spectrum SF issue 1.
