Monday, January 26, 2009

Book Case.

Now, I’m always interested in other people’s book shelves. If I’m around someone’s house I like to check out what they read and, more importantly, what they keep on their shelves. This interest extends to when I pick up one of the crap lifestyle/celebrity/woman’s magazines (usually in a dentist’s) and flick through it. I’m not looking at the people, or most of their furnishings, I’m looking for books. This is usually a disappointment because, if you pick up one of the celebrity lifestyle magazines like Hello, on the rare occasions you see a room with a book shelf in it, the books arrayed there are usually for appearance sake. Often you’ll see the beautifully-bound collected works of Shakespeare which you know for damned certain have never been opened. Sometimes I wonder if the book spines might be some decorative plastic moulding that came with the set of shelves. A sad reflection on those ‘celebs’ that demonstrates the victory of appearance over substance. Anyway, getting to the point, all this is why I like to see pictures like this one of Pekka Jonsson’s book case in Italy, tagged for me on Facebook. Pay special attention to the bottom righthand corner.


  1. Anonymous4:23 pm

    Ahh yes, Judas Unchained. Slightly overlong and not as good as its predecessor, but still a good read ;)

    Here's a not so recent one of mine - The Gabble has been proudly added to it:

  2. I can see I'm going to have to run a book case thread here. Very nice selection you have there! Mind if I put it up on the blog too?

  3. Anonymous8:06 pm

    No problem Neal, but I'd prefer if I could get a new one done. I think it's time to update that one anyway, my bookshelf is looking a little better since then :)

  4. I have several thousand books now and it has reached the stage that a cull may be in order...what to do?

  5. Great idea for a thread, Neal! Here's my 'caseful of Asher:

    As you can see, top of the pile!

    My other bookcases are blogged at:

  6. I couldn't resist getting in on this, though not the prettiest sight I'm proud of my book collection.

    While I was at it I blogged the subject:

  7. And Mark, yes I did see the Judas Unchained. Very Amusing. I'll have to have a word about the filing system there.

  8. Anonymous9:08 am

    Hehehe, I couldn't resist my poor attempt at humour :)

    My updated books:

    Some damned fine collections about the place, although I dread to think where I'd put that many books :s

  9. I did say I was sorry ;). While I'm building a shrine for your books, is there a location in the case you'd rather be filed? :)
