Here's a collage I've done of Mr.Crane. I can't draw for the life of me but enjoy messing around in Photoshop so took bits and pieces from around the web and voilĂ here he is.
Peter, I'm aiming at a closing date in September, when Orbus comes out. In fact we'll make it the publication day of Orbus, which is the 4th September.
is that the book cover version of Crane you stuck on the face area. this is cheating!
ReplyDeletelooks good though.
i'll bet this Mr. Crane will cease to function with a wad of bubble gum placed in the sternum area.
ah! this is very very close to what i see in my head when i read about Mr. Cane. 8)
ReplyDeletewell done.
having read The Pnume by Jack Vance i always picture one of those guys as Mr. Crane. with the anatomically correct non chicken legs.
ReplyDeleteDamn! That's almost exactly how I imagined Mr Crane, even the colors...
ReplyDeleteYeah, as Kirby, I imagined something like this. Very good.
ReplyDeletePretty good
ReplyDeleteIt's always interesting to see how other people imagine things, and comparing to how I imagine them.
ReplyDeleteIs there any closing date for these submissions?
Shades of the 4th Doctor, with that Hat & Scarf!
ReplyDeleteYep... thats him alright
ReplyDeleteNicely done
Peter, I'm aiming at a closing date in September, when Orbus comes out. In fact we'll make it the publication day of Orbus, which is the 4th September.