Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Line of Polity New Cover

Here's the new cover for The Line of Polity. Excellent!


  1. worms for me. i mean, works for me,

  2. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Possibly better than the Skinner cover, it's amazing!

  3. Great picture of Skellor!

  4. Hey now that's wonderful, my favourite new cover so far!

  5. These new covers are seriously kick-ass. I assume all the Cormac novels are getting the treatment?

  6. wow, skellor looks awesome.

  7. Great looking cover. Skellor is a very visual focal point for the novel. With all of the craziness going on around Masada, it was probably difficult to decide on one concept.

    As much as I like some of the abstract tech covers, I think this is a great move being made to attract new readers to the series.

    I still can't understand why a book like Polity Agent is so difficult to find on shelves in the U.S. It makes no sense to me.

  8. Is this a hardcover or paperback edition? US or UK?

  9. "I still can't understand why a book like Polity Agent is so difficult to find on shelves in the U.S. It makes no sense to me."

    stuff gets snatched up pretty quick- in the bay area anyways. Gabbleduck 'flew'.

  10. -vaudeviewgalor raandisisraisins

    I prefer hardcover editions to paperbacks. The only one I've actually been able to find at a bookstore in the US was Gridlinked. All of the rest I've ordered frrom or

  11. Swainson, the only covers getting this treatment (so far) are those of the first four books, which were a different design from those after.
    Weyland, I just don't know why...
    drxray, these are UK editions which might also be produced in hardback or large format paperback - not sure.
    Vaude, you need to keep an eye on the coming Orbus - there's going to be a special limited hardback edition of that.

  12. Book of illistrations... nuff said

  13. I have to say, seeing the depiction of Skellor has freaked me out slightly (is that a hair sticking out of my keyboard or... something else?)

    I'm a fan of the Steve Rawlings artwork, but I appreciate that publishers/authors probably have to put a lot of thought into this area. Either way, it looks very good.

  14. I am also really confused. Am I right in thinking TOR is bringing out US editions of your books years late? And out of order?

    It's kind of infuriating. I'm standing here with my wallet out wanting to pay to read your books and I'm being thwarted.

    (I mean the wallet thing literally; I was looking for ebook editions since the printed versions are impossible to find)

    It seems like the only way I could get Line of Polity (among others) would be to order it from and see if they would ship it to Iowa...?


  16. I like it but I actually prefer the abstracted cover a little bit. This is just a bit too literal for my taste.
    As for finding these in the US, its been tough to get these through Amazon even, Brass Man and Gridlinked are the only two in the series that I didn't have to import from the U.K.

  17. hi! the line of polity is the best book ive ever read, BRILLIANT! but it is also the first one i have read form the cormac collection. does this matter if i go back to read gridlocked or do i move streight on to no3? p.s new skellor cover looks great!

  18. hi,the line of polity is the best book ive ever read, BRILLIANT! but its the first ive read in the collection. does this matter if i go back to read gridlocked now or do i move on to n0 3?
