Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Cover for Gridlinked

Here it is, let me know what you think!


  1. Like it though Tom Cruise is obviously going to be the lead...

  2. Not bad, not bad at all. With some silver hair for Cormac and a little adjustment to Shuriken, then it would be just perfect.

  3. like a Peter F. Hamilton U.S. cover. nothing comes close to his Skinner pic. more nightmares. PLEASE!

  4. I'm with Mark and the Dane, I not a big Tom Cruise fan but the appearance of his character "Vincent" in the movie "Collateral" had me thinking Cormac. I hope the following link works, copy/paste.

    And Shuriken from the wrist without spikes, shouldn't it be more like curved blades? Otherwise I like the image a lot.

  5. "MmmfmfmamafFMMmmmm." I was drooling, I'm not sure if it was the drugs or that secretary dancing around taking instant x-rays of herself, fluttering to the floor like leaves, maybe both. Kyle was laughing, Korenby was pleading.

    "Get me out of here. Please. I just want to work with my hands again. I just-

    Crackling sounds, the sound of a ball-bearing getting loose from a high-speed hard drive and flying around the computer like pinball. Fans whirring out of control.


  6. It does it for me...I like the more reality based covers.

  7. very cool indeed - your cover artwork has gotten better recently - more unique and better fitting your style/subjects.

  8. I love the cover and see it as a very welcome sight. As much as I love the creature/ship covers, Cormac and the characters are the major attraction for me. Cormac is a rockstar character and he deserves any version of him on the covers. People need to know about this series of books. They need to know about the incredible human characters.

    In my mind, Clive Owen is the better template, but this cover is sweet.

  9. I'll be the dissenting voice here and say it was the abstract complexity and forms of the original UK paperback version of GridLinked that drew me to even check it out.

    It popped out from the "Customers who bought this item also bought" widget on a Richard K Morgan book, many of which were rather generic images of space ships or poorly rendered "heroes".

    This cover is certainly not bad, but I don't know if it would've caught my eye in the same way.

  10. eva05 -
    Despite what I previously wrote, I agree with you about the original cover making an impression. As far as Gridlinked is concerned, I sort-of came to Asher in the same way and recall that first impression with this version.

    I think I'm just excited to see some illustrations of the Cormac characters.

  11. Another dissenter here - the abstact covers just do it for me. The Gridlinked cover that Weyland linked above was perfect and was the one that got my attention to 'discover' you. I guess I have just moved away from the old Sci-Fi style of a cartoonish cover showing either a fight/action/war scene or a set of giant tits holding a gun. Not that there is anythign wrong with that, just usually doesn't have anything to do with the story and doesn't natch the thought and maturaty of the book in question (and makes your wife look at you funny)

    That said - anything that gets the attention of new readers is good!
