Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Ian Whates, who edited the Subterfuge anthology published October 2008 will be producing another one called Conflicts due for publication in April. Here, as of two weeks ago is the provisional running order:

Psi.Copath – Andy Remic

The Maker’s Mark – Michael Cobley

Sussed – Keith Brooke

The Cuisinart Effect – Neal Asher

Harmony in My Head – Rosanne Rabinowitz

Our Land – Chris Beckett

Fallout – Gareth L. Powell

Proper Little Soldier – Martin McGrath

War Without End – Una McCormack

Dissimulation Procedure – Eric Brown

In the Long Run – David L. Clements

Last Orders – Jim Mortimore

Songbirds – Martin Sketchley

Maybe there’ll be another of those signed limited editions as there was with Subterfuge. I’ll let you know more about this when I know too. But maybe Ian is a bit busy since he acquired John Jarrold as an agent last year and is involved with Ian Watson producing The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories…

1 comment:

  1. Your story in Subterfuge is what turned me on to your fiction in the first place, Neal, so Conflict will be a must-buy!
