Saturday, November 28, 2009

Neal Asher Test

Okay, here's my ugly mug.


  1. Right, appearance to the contrary, I wasn't pissed while recording that. Okay?

  2. And blog followers everywhere go....what's that book, second shelf down, fourth from the right? I can't quite make out his reading habits with this quality of film....

    :) (not seriously asking, btw)


    Thought it was pretty funny ;-)

  4. The Line of Polity is the pinky purple one, the next one along is the American edition of Cowl. Yeah, I know you weren't asking.

    Damn I'm only just getting to grips with this. Quality of the film? Maybe I sneezed on the webcam.

  5. Quality sucks but doesn't matter much for speech anyway?

  6. Hi Neal,

    Isn't technology wonderful.
    I get to view and communicate with a great author at no effort; its almost a sin! *giggle*

    I subscribed to your blog and got a lovely treat today to watch your first video. Drinking a glass of red, with you as it happened :)

    FYI: I am reading your books at the moment. Progressed from Gridlink, through Prador Moon and on in Polity Universe order, as noted on Wikipedia.

    Can't wait for more video and print.

    Regards from Dublin Ireland.

  7. Heh, I enjoyed that. Encore!

  8. Yeah, encore would be welcome. :-)

  9. nice to put a voice to the words [if that makes sense]

    keep up the great work

  10. I'm glad you gave it a go. A bit more personible then twittering. Should we suggest some topics we'd be interested in hearing about?

  11. I think you should post a wine review in the same spirit as the BIC pen reviews. Complete with opening instructions, guide to operating machinery, writing Sci-Fi novels etc.

    People really need to know this stuff, they just don't realise it yet.

  12. Anonymous10:09 am

    My first thought was
    1) Pick up a random book
    2) Turn to a random page
    3) Read
    4) ????
    5) Profit!

    Webcams are total crap, only good for video chatting. All the pro's use top of the line HD cameras, well lit studios and professional narrators to do voice overs :D

  13. I think we should all club together and buy him a tidy web cam, if the video quality is this bad now what's it going to be like when he's had a few more drinks and starts stripping?


  14. Thing is, I quite like the quality of this -- you don't see my spots and wrinkles.

  15. i actually use my cannon sd1100 is for video and it works fairly well, but for blogging or "vlogging" as the kids like to say, i wouldn't bother with anything too fancy.

  16. Scary thing is I was just picking a book at random on the shelves :) You're a braver man than I to put these vids up, hats off!
