Friday, December 11, 2009

2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) - 9/12

One of the best scenes in a science fiction film ever.


  1. I have this on DVD and always thought I was in a minority of one by really liking it. Ok, it's a lot more "Hollywood" than 2001, but it's still a good film nonetheless.

    Even dumbed down from the book, this scene still probably baffled most mainstream audiences.

  2. A lot better than 2001 in my opinion. You can do too much of the arty crap just like you can do too much of the Hollywood crash and bang. This film strikes a balance.

  3. Off at a tangent slightly, but apparently Morgan Freeman is a big Arthur C. fan and his production company, Revelations Entertainment, has acquired the rights to 'Rendezvous With Rama'.

    Whether it'll actually see the light of day though is a very different matter.

  4. Anonymous10:16 pm

    I remember standing up in the theater in amazement as the spot grew - either no one else had figured it out yet, or they just didn't care, but I was blown away!

  5. Rendezvous with Rama is the best A C Clarke book, and I'll brook no argument! :) Ye gods, I hope they make that film, Inchy.

  6. Peter Hyams, director of this movie, also directed Outland, which is a vastly underrated hard scifi action movie with Sean Connery as the lead. DVD release in the US was horrific pan and scan mastered off VHS....I hear the Japanese region version looked way better.

  7. 2010 is a great film, so many cool scenes and still impresses me more than most modern films.
    They don't make them like that anymore, and hopefully they won't remake it either.

  8. Michael, I'd like to think that Freeman would do the book justice, but being a fan of the author doesn't always guarantee that the movie adaptation will actually work. I still haven't forgiven John Travolta for bastardising 'Battlefield Earth'.

  9. Inchy, as Pratchett noted, selling a book to Hollywood virtually guarantees it won't get turned into a film, which why his stuff is now being made for television.

    ashen, never saw that film in the cinema, which is a cause for regret.

    Michael, lets hope so.

    eva05, I thoroughly agree, Outland was an excellent film.

    Rod, of course they'll remake it. Hollywood has been disappearing up its own bottom for decades.

    John Travolta, such a great actor and, like so many in that profession, such a complete berk. Anyone here read the L Ron Hubbard biog 'Bare-Face Messiah'?

  10. hey, get the word out, work the cult and get an admittance fee percentage of the shill's investment in their million year contract.


    will try to dig up the audio of L. Ron describing the interplanetary space ships being B-52 styled planes...flying in space space!!!! it really happened!

  11. Has anyone read (apart from me) 2061 and 3001 the final Odyssey?
