Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Neal Asher Video Clip 1/12/09

Here's the next video clip. Lessons learned: really must stop to sip my tea to prevent mouth becoming as dry as a camel's arse.


  1. Like it.
    Hope you're planning on making this a semi-regular feature as I have about a million questions I'd like to ask, but I'll do my best to restrict myself to ones that contain a modicum of sense.

  2. drinking wine while you shoot the vid wont upset anyone.

    surprised you've only used your hands. lotta weaponry in your books mostly based on...movies and reading?
    lead and gunpowder supernatural sattelite channeling from Israel?

  3. I enjoyed this post very much. Thanks for taking the time out to chat, Neal.

  4. Yes, I intend to make this a semi-regular feature. I'll do another post anon asking for further questions - just so I can keep them in one spot.

  5. Vaude, bit early for wine, even for me. The one to watch out for might be around Christmas time should I crack open a bottle of scotch.

  6. "Christmas time should I crack open a bottle of scotch."
    i can see it. with a paper hat made out of the Ham & High news.

    ^hic^ love you guys, you...guys...ya...*hic* you come over here now! c'mon over now! bring cigs and some typing paper A3 ans s'more scots, uh scotch, ...and shome guns......

  7. By the way, it's out for some time now but here are some photos anyways:

    Line War. (Cormacs Krieg. Bastei-Lübbe, 2009, ISBN 3-404-23333-6)


  8. awesome and i can't believe i missed the qustion post...! 0.o

  9. awsum more Cowl.. :D thumbs up for that...
