Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Technician

First draft of The Technician completed at 140,000 words (about the length of Brass Man). Now I've got to trim off the sticky out bits, tighten up the weave, read it backwards, forwards, sideways and hanging from a light fitting and edit until I reach the point where reading another word of it makes me want to smash up my keyboard with my forehead.


  1. And...then do it again? :)

  2. Terrific stuff. Well done, Neal!

  3. By the way, I don't think anyone posted this link yet: Here Neal reveals some more details about The Technician. :-)

    I also liked a lot of the other questions there.

  4. Thanks for th interview link, Martin. I had to tread carefully though as I have yet to read most of the books Neal discusses. I'm a noob! :)

  5. Do you find when you re-read so intensly that it becomes almost etched on your memory, so that in the end you are reciting from memory rather than reading?

    Possibly should have gone in the video clips questions, but hay ho, speak as you think.

  6. re: interview. Rocannon's World, woulda never guessed.

  7. Graeme, yes it does, and that's why I read backwards at a paragraph at a time. That way I don't get involved in the story and pick up more of the mistakes. Words get etched into the memory - often words that aren't there.

    Vaude, I didn't know about Rocannon's World until I looked it up. Runcible came straight out of my unconscious first off.

  8. Needs. More. Polity. Books.

    Can't wait to read this one Neal :) Your universe makes me want to get a few artists I know together and make a MMORPG out of it.
