Monday, January 25, 2010

Trying out a Poll...


  1. Not going to vote, have only read half of them so far.

  2. rough. i like some more than others. i can list multiple votes?

    -The Gabble
    -The Skinner
    -Polity Agent
    tie, big bow tie. all equally fun.
    the rest in bits are pretty memorable. Prador Moon on land, Shadow..the end, etc., Cowl's tor beast, Brass Man's droon and the ground vulture gophers. uh...i dont have 2 of those. how much is postage again for signed copies of Hilldiggers and Voyage? they'd be comin' to Berkeley CA.

  3. The Skinner is my absolute favourite, and I'm proud to say I've read almost all of them :)

  4. I've said Orbus, but if i'm honest it's the first of yours I read. I guess I shall be trying the skinner at some point. :)

  5. I've only read two of the listed books so far, so if I voted it'd just muddy the results. FWIW, I loved the two I read (Gabble & Skinner).

  6. I chose Brass Man for one reason... the scene where Jack Ketch turns himself into a particle accelerator...

    “Now I'm shitting laser Beams!”

    The scene mixes the techno-speak of Jack restructuring the ship with the utterly majestic scope of the gas giant and his perception of space and the pursuing ships. I wish I could see those few minutes on the big screen, not too much to ask is it?

  7. i cant pick any favourite from the cormac series but i will opt for the first one. it introduced me to your writing and youve had me hooked ever since.

  8. Usually the one I've just finished - they keep on getting better and better!

  9. For me it was Line War. Several British sci-fi authors can start a great story series, but few can finish them as well as Neal. (Yes, Alastair Reynolds and Peter F Hamilton, I'm thinking of you). Line Of Polity and The Skinner are up there, but Line War was just perfect.

  10. Still Prador Moon.

  11. oh shit. Line War. dont have that one either. me need.

  12. Dude, this is so unfair. I have read all of them but each of them has great bits! Don't make us choose. okay, the Skinner or Sable Keech. Maybe. Er... Prador Moon? Gah!

  13. XiXiDu, I wouldn't want to put up a poll and have nobody come. That'd be humiliating.

    Vaude, check that list of books I have on here and email me about what ones you might want and I'll tell you the cost.

    Wouter, seems The Skinner might win the race.

    Hagelrat, The Skinner seems to be the main choice.

    Michael, see what I said to XiXiDu.

    Dave, yeah, in 3d too.

    paulb, yeah, good move, though Polity Agent is looking a bit sick.

    Afront, use your vote as a sympathy vote then!

    Jezcentral, yup, I wanted an ending, with a bit of a twist, and no deus ex machina.

    Owen, interesting choice, which demonstrates just how subjective all this stuff is.

    Pills4, throw something sticky at the screen and see what it lands nearest.

  14. The Skinner it is for me.

    I can't say that there were any disapointments in those books for me though.

  15. It is an odd business. I was thinking in my own blinkered way, "Brassman will piss this", and how wrong can you be?

    I liked the skinner, I read it after Sable Keech and Prador moon, so it made a lot of sense right off the page first read.

    Lot's of questions: Which book is your favourite? Do sales figures give an indication of a favoured book, that may be being bought as a word of mouth recommendation (does the poll correspond to the books sold)? Or do they generally fly off the shelves in order of publishing, with sales being progressively higher per novel as your name and novels become better known?

    Finally Mr Asher, following on from "Who reads my books"? what about "Why is this book my favourite"? or some such title.

  16. Graeme, The Skinner may be the favourite here, but the Cormac books outsell it.

    Which is my favourite book? That's difficult to say, since I'm the manufacturer and not the consumer. Anyway, my opinion varies from month to month. Right now I'd put The Skinner, Cowl, Hilldiggers & Brass Man equally in the top slot.

  17. Would be interesting to know if the Cormac books are popular because of the main hero or the main anti hero, albeit the whole saga is great.

    Mr Crane, with virtually no dialogue steals every scene. You him wrote so well. So; who were your influences for Mr Crane? He's just so easy to identify with, seems so familiar.

    Did you ever read 2000ad, and if you did, do you remember "Call me Kenneth" the robot from Judge Dredd?

  18. Never read 2000 AD - I think that one's been asked before. The familiarity I think is from something of a trope in fiction, horror, fantasy, SF, which I will call 'the monster in ordinary clothes'.

  19. Maybe a touch of Freddy too...

  20. Stood in the SF bookstore the other day and had The Skinner in one hand and a book with both The Time Machine and The Invisible man in the other. Which do I buy? This poll made me interested in The Skinner, since it crushed the rest of the books in your poll I thought that would be a safe bet. So the classics were outgunned and went back on the shelf. Better luck next time HG Wells.

    Also bought two books by Jack Campbell. Great military science fiction! If you haven't read anything by that author then get a book by him quick!

  21. The Skinner is what got me started. You universe is the only one I ever wanted to live in. Prador included. ;-)
