Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Anyone Out There?

Regarding the 'Who Reads My Books?' posts I've been putting up on here. I've got one left to post and haven't seen any more. How about more from the men and women out there, like those shown in Mike Rowe's 'Dirty Jobs',  who tighten up the nuts and bolts that keep our civilization running? I'm not saying the previous ones are abnormal, but maybe some are a little intimidating to those who, say, simply work on a production line and enjoy SFF. I'd like to hear from you people - don't kid yourselves that you're not interesting. And don't forget, prior to 1999 I was shovelling shit too.


  1. i've been waying up doing one, but i'm not much of a sharer (of personal stuff), mainly because i'ver become fairly boring. i'll have another think though if you're short.

  2. Neal, you have to realize there is only 12 or so folks out there that are reading the books. the rest just collect the fancy hardbounds to post here. nobody wants to read about depraved sadism and psychopathic brass.

    where are the rabbits? the playgrounds? the curious goat who loved waterfalls?

  3. I was put off by the early one who had photos of his bookcases. I'm moving house, so all my stuff is in storage, and the house us such a wreck it'll take months to get it ready for a pic. Thankfully, the pictures are now just of the people so I may well send one in, once I stop feeling like a fraud (I only recently made my first comment here, despite my long-term lurking. Everyone else seems to have been part of this little community for ages).

  4. Anonymous10:23 pm

    We're just not that intresting. Face it, we sit around reading books wishing we had chips in our head so we can multitask... while reading through the chips in our head.

  5. Neal, you gotta realise that compared to you we are nothing...! That might not be what you think, but its how we feel!

  6. i'm not human. not sure if that matters on this here.

    view my crappy cannibal dimensional louse-job:

    gender not determined. genetic failure debt terminated. special thanx to squideatingdough and mr. sloumberfugeoux.

  7. Where exactly do we send/leave the bio, Neal? I'd be more than happy to send one in, I just havn't as yet spotted the means with which to do so!

  8. serp, and others here, send your bios along with a photo(s) to ndotasheratvirgindotnet

  9. Vaude, I haven't got a fucking clue what those links are showing.

  10. Vaude with the best wishes and no insult intended.... you really watch some shit. I'll never get those moments of life back I feel robbed :-)

    Everyone else, just write a piece, you know it makes sense.

  11. I've been meaning to get mine sorted for this so I will get on it over the weekend

  12. ha! thats me at work. sorry but...its a livin'. let's layman's terms "beyond Revolution 9". speculative future now sounds for the people who saw rock music die horribly in the 80s.

    heres my site for more funnel of doom time wasting:

    if you didnt grow up on certain kinds of sounds then, i can't imagine any of you enjoying it.

    i do watch a lot of shit by the way. last night being the movie Daybreakers. wow. that music in there was sure something sappy.
