Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Technician

Here's the cover for The Technician:


  1. looks awesome cant wait to get my grubby hands on a copy :)

  2. I agree, the new art is very eye catching. Does this not remind me of a more aggressive sandworm from Dune though?

  3. I wish to retract that last observation as I now see it has legs.

  4. Holy shit.. I want that. Really cool cover.

  5. Wow. That _is_ pretty.
    Complete with trendy mugshot on the back :_)

  6. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Well thats not pants crappingly horrific.

    I had thought The Technician was an Owner book. Whatever, more Polty is fantastic too.

  7. Mr Maigo, my last two books were swapped round by the publisher, which is why I'm still working on The Technician while the cover and other bits are being done. I have done the Owner book (The Departure) but that won't be published until next year.

  8. we're in a competition for creature art, and that guy whips the judge whips this out. jeezus.
    i should feel inspiration, but that thing is just so goddam daunting and perfect.

  9. Very subtle the lamp and the horse shoe crab a few updates ago. I looked at this picture and wondered... chicken egg, egg chicken?

    In any event a super picture for detail. But the Hooder just looks a little tall and a little long without enough legs... if one may be so bold.

  10. Thats a Hooder, definately a Hooder. And a big bloody scary one at that! Nice!!

  11. just reading the cover blurb has got me excited.
    Everythings there Masada, Amistad, Black AI's and Hooders


  13. That is a truly terrifying beastie!

  14. Anonymous11:51 pm

    I love it...

    But what is the humanoid creatures on the back cover?

  15. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Ah no... I get it, it's one of the sculptures the Technician makes...

  16. Mark, the moth certainly is a bit sandwormish.

    Graeme, yup, certainly a bit of that chicken and egg stuff going on.

    David, since the sculptures incorporate something of a gabbleduck's mind, you may be right.

    As I said on Facebook: not quite a hooder as I visualize, but with enough of a wow factor for that not to matter.

  17. Questions: Do the cover artists use just the descriptions in the books, with referrence to your wishes?

    Or do they work primarily for the publisher, with a keen eye on the commercial punch of the image and mostly from their own minds eye?

    You don't have to give away trade secrets but it's always interesting to know the background stuff.

    Also why don't you get that there artist to do a piece like the readers piece's?

  18. You've got Neil Lang, the cover designer, and John Sullivan the artist. Neil asks for some descriptions from the book concerned, sometimes being quite specific because he's read them himself. I supply these, then later on get to look at the rough sketch John has produced and have my chance to make suggestions (hence horseshoe crabs etc). Julie Crisp and others will also have their input. For example, this is a great picture, but I've noted that the title isn't clear, Julie agrees, and so that may be altered.

  19. awesome cover, very close to how a hooder looks in my imagination (though i envisioned something a little more millipede-esque), this certainly has a more horrific mouth, though!

    so thi sone is coming out first, before the owner book? cool i love the polity books! :-D

  20. If it's due out in September that gives me an easy Christmas prezzy request to the kids! IanF
