Tuesday, March 02, 2010

On Expenses

This really should have been on prime time TV, but was put out on BBC4. It wouldn't surprise me if pressure was brought to bear to not broadcast it on BBC1.


This is a program about about the exposing of those fraudulent bastards who run this country. It's on I-player for another five days only, then it'll probably be buried for the next ten years.


  1. Ah sorry, of course, BBC I-player is only available in the UK.

  2. whilst the country crashes and burns around us - with their (admitted) massive social engineering: immigration, lack of personal responsibility, social security/benefits reliance... politicians are only interested in milking the system and hiding it from scrutiny.

  3. and then you have idiots like harriot harman making it impossible for anyone but women/minorities to get any of the (few) jobs that are available...
