Friday, March 26, 2010

Some Crap Covers

Here's a couple courtesy of Vaude and Stu Mac.
(I can see this one running)


  1. I'm sorry to say that one of the least favourite covers in my collection is the US edition of The Skinner. It's by Jim Burns, who can usually be relied upon to deliver the goods. Must have had an off day.

  2. LOL that PKD book made me laugh!

  3. Anonymous8:35 pm

    There some truly bad covers out there and a one-stop for seeing just how bad has to be Check it and you won't be disappointed - or perhaps you will!

  4. Damn you Mark, that link took all my Bejeweled time for the evening... er, on second thought maybe I should be thanking you.

  5. Anonymous9:36 pm

    Thats the kind of imagery I get from PKD books

  6. Late 60s early 70s SF book covers were the worst. I think it was the drugs...

  7. i have some killer 60s / 70s covers. some great (and terrible) Moorcock. Whelan did em i think. oh ya! Di Fate. trying to think of a turd sleeve by V. D. Fate, .....none accounted for.

    one of the few book covers i've blown up (its a small poster now) to tack on the wall was the jpg from this blog of the skinner JS did. i changed the color to purple red. we have to look at it in the kitchen to enjoy any kind of tasteless tuberage realizing how nice our non Spatterjay food cycle is. its all we have for religion around here.

    wish you'd put up some kill covers from yore:

    some your brain & occulari gouge-out drekfudge on there, sure, but that Lem is just so useless. never again. the book was ok, but they had a billion things that could've been illustrated outta there. here's a few bucks pierre. use your imagination. a dude over a pool. very very convincing s.f. pool cleaner sale in Barstow, CA there.

    poor Lem got some band handshakes with that run of his books.

  8. Does anyone know if .its possible to insert am image into a message on here?
    (BTW that posting above by Helen is actually me. was signed in to my partner's account by mistake)

  9. It certainly isn't my favourite either, Michael. I'd say they fucked up big time with that one.

    Larry (Helen), yeah, as NMM1AFan notes there was probably a good reason for that. Don't know about images in posts - you could always send it me if you want.

    Vaude, I'll probably be getting a print of that from Jon Sullivan ... though I intend to see what else he comes up with first.
