Monday, September 06, 2010

Fairies in the Garden.

While here we met a couple, Chris Anna, who were here on holiday and invited them up to the house for a beer and a look around. At one point Chris wandered off to take some pictures. He sent this one by email. It seems we have fairies in the garden. Look towards the centre and top of the picture.


  1. That's not a fairy, it's something from Starship Troopers! Call the marines!

  2. Somewhere, Arthur Conan Doyle is

  3. on Spatterjay we call 'em jet winged brain eating mollydarts.

  4. kill it with fire! 0.o

  5. It's one of those big bugger crickets I reckon. When they land it sounds like someone dropped the cutlery draw.

  6. Anonymous2:42 pm

    Hi Neal,

    Did some asking round and a lady (Clio) at tells me this:

    To coin an apposite literary phrase (do you know about the Cottingley fairies?) it's elementary dear Watson.

    I think what you have got there is the back view of a hovering Mud Dauber Wasp (you don't want to know about Mud Dauber Wasps...)

    A jolly pic here:

    They really are rather beautiful things, and they make the most amazing nests, the nature of which isn’t always immediately obvious. If you find something like a block of pumice stone in an inconspicuous corner of a ceiling, or tucked behind a water pipe, you might want to remove it….

    So...she might be right but I, being hopelessly romantic, would have preferred it to be a fairy...
