Monday, October 25, 2010

Prador Moon.

Here's the new Jon Sullivan cover of Prador Moon:


  1. That's my favorite so far. Is it possible to get artwork from these that is framable?


    the Dethcarraldo ship. narrator voice by Malcom McDowell.

  3. If you think I'm going to buy this, to go with my other 2 versions, just because it's got a gorgeous cover... You're right. Just don't tell the wife.

  4. Anonymous1:19 am

    Spoiler Alert

  5. still probably my favorite book, love the prador ship, but the polity one looks, well different to my mind's picture. awesome cover nonetheless.

  6. Anyone get a feeling of Battlefleet Gothic when looking at it? Superb cover though!

  7. The Polity one has nice Cylonesque or Knighs helmet face. So Sweet.

    It is definitely one of the stories I wished there was more of. I reckon you owe us some more Prador war adventures.

  8. wow! this is the best cover in a while...

  9. Nope, doesn't do it for me unfortunately. In my mind's eye, Prador ships do not have all those appendages. Interestingly enough I don't have that clear a picture of what Polity vessels look like.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wow! Love the cover, so epic!

  12. Mark, at some point I do intend to get some myself. My only problem is finding the wall space on which to put them up, and which do I choose. If you google Jon Sullivan you'll find his site and from there it's possible to order prints.

    Now I've more Internet access I'll take a look, Vaude.

    Yes, it is, Larry.

    Bascule, Macmillan seem pleased with the reaction to these new covers so, along with the new readers they've drawn in, I'm guessing you're not alone!

    Spoiler alert, me-maigo?

    Jebel, some of these new covers don't entirely match up. However, most of them add something, which is what good art does. With the gabbleduck cover, for example, I'm tending to think 'I wish I'd described them like that'.

    AngryMurloc, yeah, but it's cool.

    Graeme, maybe the whole Prador-Human war as a future series?

    I like it, Andy.

    Friso, maybe you don't have a clear picture of Polity ships because they are so various? But surely the modern squidlike attack ships summon up some image?

    Athena, yeah, I like epic.

  13. I think so; it covers fifty years of technological advances. When you consider Line War and it's time frame and duration, then you have to consider how different things must have been for a previous war to have gone on for so long.

    When did humans develop diamond fibre weave? How did humans adopt S-con hulls, and did we nick Prador technology? How do you get a spy in the camp of the Prador? How did those twenty mile long ship factories get made? Where were they re-supplied from? How dangerous was it to be a the person/ship getting the raw materials to feed that industry? How far from Prador Space was safe? How do you make AI's fight, with them knowing that they are as likely to get fried irretrievably in combat as any human grunt?

    Apologies for banging on, but in my mind that period has to be as pivotal as Skaidon and his meld with Craystein. Giant leap into a glorious future, followed by giant drop into hell. It’s like the industrial revolution culminating in the first world war.

    I'll leave you in peace. ttfn

  14. For those interested (like me) in the prints for Neals books here is what the kind Mr Sullivan said in reply to my email (only the relevant bit quoted)
    "Regarding prints I will be adding links to the 2009-2010 prints pages. Most of the prints are up on the page 6 of the prints link on my site but I havent as yet had time to link them up to the paypal site. Works been crazy last few years have been meaning to sort that out. If you can hold on till new year or fingers crossed before in mid Dec all the Ashers will be there"
    Good news

  15. Excellent! I've read Prador Moon (loved it) but I hadn't seen that cover before.
