Saturday, November 06, 2010

Good Reads

While surfing the Internet I just came across this at goodreads. All very gratifying with a star rating about the same as Amazon but divided over more reviews. I seem to weigh in at about four stars generally. 


  1. i feverishly maintain a goodreads profile. i'll also take credit for the average rating of four. i always give you fives. ;p

  2. Nice average there Neal. I'll have to update my reviews as I haven't been there for a while, that should bump you up a little more!
    I checked out The Empathy Effect and was chuffed to see a first star rating of 3 which I thought great considering the reader is an editor and rated The Windup Girl as 4. Have you read Windup Girl yet?
    I thought it a much better read than The City & The City which it shared 1st place with for 2010 Hugo.
    It won The Nebula however.

  3. Thanks Kirby.

    I might pay a visit there, teatime, but I'm on Librarything at the moment.

    Nice one, Bob. I'll get round to reading the copy of The Empathy Effect you sent me when I'm finally settled in and properly back at work.

  4. Hmm, I'm sure I reviewed and rated Prador Moon on there, must check....

  5. Yup, I did indeed:
    "My introduction to Neal Asher went really well! A superb fast action read that's not at all science heavy. 'Aliens' meets Joe Haldeman's 'The Forever War'"

    5 stars

    (note, someone on there really didnt like it!)

  6. Thanks Larry, and yeah, there's always someone out there who will hate what others love. It's all subjective. Many times I've loaned books to people saying, 'you'll enjoy this' then afterward received a lackluster response. I too have received books, both loaned and for review, and had to be either painfully honest or silent when I finished them.

  7. Thanks. I hadn't seen GoodReads before.

    Right now I'm reading The Shadow of the Scorpion. Definitely at least 4 stars, maybe 5 but I'm only a little over halfway.

    The more of your books I read the better I like your universe. I'm getting impatient for the AI's to take over and start running everything.

  8. Ah but Lynn, if you're immortal and incredibly powerful maybe it's the case that you don't have so much impetus to take over completely. The lust for power is bigger in the powerless, and the addiction to power a thoroughly human trait.

  9. Did you know that you are the featured write on Amazon ebooks?
