Thursday, November 18, 2010

More About the Bookmarks Competition.

Now, first off, I'm not trying to opt out of the responsibility for judging all of these. This bookmark competition itself, just like the art competitions before it, the pictures of people's collections and that 'who reads my books' thing I ran a while back, is me trying to make this blog more 'inclusive'. I want people to join in, have a bit of input, and this to not be all about me standing on a pedestal and prating into a vacuum.

So, to that end, how would you all feel about YOU being the judges. When the time comes I can set up a poll here from PollDaddy and all of you reading this can decide. In fact, I'm going to do one now.

Incidentally, since the number of people reading this blog had about doubled over the last year, how about some more additions to 'Who Reads My Books?' As before, I want a short biog plus a photograph or two.


  1. i say you - you want to be using them after all...

  2. I agree with Jebel.At the end of the day Neal these are things you're going to be printing and handing out to raise awareness for your work and your blog so you'll want to have something you're happy with.

  3. It's running at 50/50 at the moment and I'll go with the result. I have said I'll be handing out winners' bookmarks, but I might also print up many of the other ones too, since they are all pretty cool.

  4. I voted for "Blog Reader" judging, but now I'm wondering if that is a good idea. See...I like too many of these so I can't imagine trying to narrow it down to X entries.
    And now that I’m thinking about it…what exactly are the rules for judging?

    How many bookmarks will be chosen as winners?

    Can bookmarks be chosen from across multiple artists? (I’m assuming so as it’s only sensible)

  5. Yes, Neal should be happy with the winner, but I still think it should go to a reader vote. Nothing to stop Neal joining in the vote....

  6. Honestly - I have access to multiple PCs with different IP addresses, so I could vote many times for myself. Unless there's a huge (hundreds of people) participation, the results could be easily swung by any unscrupulous individual. My vote was for Neal to be the judge - there's nobody better qualified in my mind anyways.

    Wolfie would be most upset.

  7. Agreed, user votes could easily be manipulated if we were bothered to.

    The only real way to choose a winner is a fight to the death.

  8. I can see it all now: the bookmarks death-match and the losers being dragged off covered with paper cuts.
