Monday, November 15, 2010

Polity Timeline.

Since I want to link to it elsewhere, I'm just sticking this up here again:


  1. Hmm, no Cowl on there-wheres that novel fit in?

  2. In Line War, I believe you mentioned JMCC from Africa Zero. Does Africa Zero fit into the polity universe?

  3. Cowl doesn't fit into the Polity universe, Larry. However, the Polity universe might fit into Cowl, maybe halfway down the probability slope.

    lethalox, Africa Zero sits a few increments lower on the probability slope than the Polity. It's one of those abandoned Earth scenarios that have been a common theme in SF.

    Abandoned Earths in SF ... who can think of any?

  4. Hmm abandoned Earths, the film Silent Running perhaps?

  5. hmm, I would have thought that The Technician would have come after the Spatterjay novels. Is there any particular reason why the Gabbleducks aren’t mentioned as a new sentient civilisation?
    Still the polity is one of my favourite series!

  6. Because, Ryan, the Polity is big, and world-shattering events in one part of it are just rumours in another.

    Or it could be because I wrote The Technician after the spatterjay series and, though I am of course a godlike writer, I'm not entirely omniscient.

  7. Wall-E was and abandoned earth story.

  8. Thanks Neal. I just wondered if there was anything I wasn't noticing about either The Technician or The Spatterjay Trilogy that would have prohibited the story of The Technician occurring after.
