Monday, November 29, 2010

Solar Death Ray

Well, it's not quite the Elysium smelter mirrors, but it's getting there...


  1. I watched an episode of mythbusters once where they tried to recreate the original mirror concept using hundreds of mirrors.

    Having struggled through the endless bloat that they fill their episodes with it turns out that they only managed to get a raise in temperature of a couple of degrees.

    They used petrol to set the boat on fire in the end (I think).

  2. That is awesome! I want one! It doesn't even use direct sunlight. Imagine if they turned it upside down on a sunny day :S

  3. Probably an example, Andrew, of them not letting the facts get in the way of making a program. If there was no myth to bust that would have buggered them.

    I want one too! I want it mounted on top of my house ready to incinerate anyone who approaches wearing a high-visibility jacket and carrying a clipboard.
