Friday, November 05, 2010

Top 10 SFF on Amazon UK for 2010

Obviously I rather like this particular top ten especially when you consider that The Technician didn't come out until August and was a hardback. I am however a little puzzled. Did I sleep through Christmas and the New Year?


  1. You probably hit a wormhole on your way home from Greece, 'cause it's 2011 here... ;) Or they're just trying to boost their sales for xmas...

    Anyway, good to have you back online again. I need my Asher-blog-entries spread out over the week, not overloaded on Tuesdays... ;)

    Best regards, Jan Harald

  2. Anonymous6:51 am

    Shadow is Polity 3? Shouldn't it be Cormac 0?

    I agree, its sales boosting.

  3. That you'll get, Jan.

    mr-maigo, I think 'Polity' is just used to cover those polity books not included in the two series ... sort of.

  4. Personally I'd have placed "The Technician" Higher. Loved it. I've been wondering for a while where you would go with the whole Gabbleduck/Atheter, and wasn't disappointed.

  5. Thanks, The Kat, glad you enjoyed it.
