Friday, November 19, 2010

Worlds Without End

Another SFF site I haven't come across before. The guy running it is also one of the contenders in this bookmarks competition: Worlds Without End. It's quite odd to look at biographical bit beside my photo and see that the 'Died' section is ready to be filled in.


  1. Anonymous4:27 pm

    On the bright side, you have to be born before you die :D

  2. Ahah, then if the born bit isn't filled in...

  3. You, Sir, are apparently eternal! Thanks for the plug.

  4. "It's quite odd to look at biographical bit beside my photo and see that the 'Died' section is ready to be filled in."

    Unless and until you're some kind of Reif, you will have to learn to live (ahem) with that!

  5. Shaun, I'm hoping to be downloaded into silicon awaiting eventual upload into a Golem chassis.

  6. Who would know from that picture, what a grumpy git you are on line.
