Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thanks to Jan Harald Fonas for putting this my way. I wonder what, exactly, it means?


WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.


Here's the link.


  1. It's a Dragon sphere.

    I knew this day would come.

  2. Apparently it might be something to do with those Martian meteorites (the ones they thought they'd found bacteria in), so maybe not so exciting. I was hoping to hear that one of the new planets they're discovering every day was giving a chlorophyll signature or some such.

  3. Interesting - have you read The Eerie Silence by Paul Davies? He talks about the Shadow Biosphere and one of the researchers he mentions, Felisa Wolfe-Simon is looking for Arsenic based life forms. She is also participating in the NASA news conference - have a look here: http://www.astrobio.net/index.php?option=com_expedition&task=detail&id=3259. The Davies book is a good read, BTW. He did a lecture on the subject at the Cambridge Astro Institute a while back - very entertaining speaker. Maybe they have discovered such life forms on Earth - it would have implications for Mars etc.

  4. they must be on the scrounge for extra funding again - it's no coincidence they start making certain announcements when something's impacting their budget... thankfully for them the recent republican shift has helped them as NASA is a major employer in florida etc.

  5. I thought it was related to the finding of oxygen in the atmosphere of Rhea. Came out 5 days ago or so.

  6. Arsenic based life, I love it! I'll check out that link.

    Jebel, NASA have also announced setting up a research centre to study the sun and, you guessed it, its effects on climate.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  7. I found this interview with Paul Davies on the BBC site where he talks about a whole gamut of ET stuff: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00t44f7

    The interviewer is a bit irritating. I don't think NASA have found a Dyson Sphere though..

  8. http://ufo-sighting.info/ufo-disclosure-cnn-live-sept-27-2010-usaf-national-press-club/

    creating a world order to save the collapsing oligarch wallet. ya know, had to leave Iraq, so there's a vacuum of top level consumption going on..

  9. Anonymous4:29 am

    Maybe Voyager 1 got picked up my aliens?

  10. I'll check that out too billd.

    Vaude, a good place for UFO sightings if you want a laugh is You Tube. Incidentally, can you send me an email at ndotasheratvirgindotnet.

    mr-maigo, I wish, but I suspect it'll be a lot more boring than that.

  11. http://kotaku.com/5702479/has-nasa-discovered-life-on-saturns-moon

  12. Hehe! I'm sure the Rhea defence shot down the annoying thing spying on them while having lunch.

  13. Jebel, the Internet is an accelerated version of the verbal rumour mill. Give it another five hours and people will confidently predict that we're about to be invaded.

    Xanares, yeah, and floating nearby is a black monolith.

  14. Anonymous8:53 pm

    It's true, NASA will find the most boring way to prove life exists elsewhere in the universe
