Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Claws Brought this for Richard P John.


  1. spatterjay virus for xmas. the myth of jesus had a little bit of leech regeneration, and extreme masochism, so it only makes sense to get this bit of fiction in your stocking after church.

  2. I got Line of the Polity for Christmas.

  3. I've read all of Mr Ashers books, so I got Hugh Fearnly whitstabubbles book, and Jamies Thirty minute meals, also a jump on the band wagon (of Davinci code) Knights Templar mystery story, that from the write up on the back cover looks as if it's going to be a big pile of poo.

    More later.

  4. PS: Appy Chrismas Mista n Missus Asha, an an appy noo yeah.

  5. Only just seen this. Cheers! Look forward to reading!
