Sunday, December 19, 2010

Vaudeviewgalor Raandisisraisins' Book Collection Part Two.

I'm going to separate up Vaude's collection into three or four posts since it's so huge.


  1. Ach, looking at this lot makes me realize even more that I won't be getting a Kindle any time soon. I can smell the old paper and get a nostalgic twinge...

  2. How many years of collecting is that there?
    Impressive stuff!

  3. first book mustve been l975 funded by dog tending. the next few years i mowed a lawn of a bookstore owner who would pay me in books (mostly Del Ray and DAW publications). most of the fantasy, Howard and Burroughs stuff i bought in '75 i have very packed away that you wont see in this collection. that ended when i mowed down the new plastic sprinkler system at each corner of the lawn. my Dead Alive-old captain fukup moment.

  4. Anonymous11:46 pm ...little ...time

  5. wow! awesome collection :D

  6. Love the sprinkler/lawn mower incident you had there! Haha!
