Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Line of Polity and The Technician Reviews

Nice review here of The Line of Polity from Mark Chitty over at The Walker of Worlds.

The Line of Polity is the second novel in Neal Asher's Cormac series, following on from events in Gridlinked. I read Gridlinked quite a while back and enjoyed it and I've also read plenty of other works by Asher that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I picked up the complete series some time ago but, for some reason that eludes me at present, never got around to reading the sequels. Well, despite the long gap between reading the first and second I jumped straight in wondering what exactly I'd be getting here - and boy did it not disappoint!


Also another nice review here over at Temple Library Reviews of The Technician:
The Technician is about an intriguing alien mystery explored through the life of a few colorful characters. It is also a return to old familiar premises on the planet Masada for us old Asher fans.

Visiting Masada again for me was a bit like coming home and I got to enjoy some of the characters from previous books (You can read my review of them, links are below. The Line of the Polity is the one with most Masada in it).


  1. You need to get writing more Neal!
    I read my books slowly but I'm up to the 2008 books now and I'm running out!

    Had a stinking cold all over Xmas so was curled up with The Gabble to make me feel better.

  2. Best book of the year 2010 - I second that, it was a tremendous read.

  3. Fader, I've nearly finished the next one yet don't have to deliver it until August. Macmillan have played catch-up with me a couple of times. Come on, I don't know anyone who's faster!

    Thanks, Roger.

  4. for the record, i didnt even notice the 'preaching' in LINE OF POLITY (did i miss something?). then again i'm familiar with the Catholic Inquisition, and their torture army, Constantine's unforgivable sins forgiven with the attached legacy (CONSTANTINE'S SWORD docu was a goodie), and the (ridiculous) crusades to exhaulted stupidity.

    LINE OF POLITY fell into place as 'oh ya, this is the next step!'. one rung under the the file toothed Brotherhood of Pain baby eaters in Spinrad's MEN IN THE JUNGLE and the demon balloon makers of Farmer's IMAGE OF THE BEAST.

  5. Only teasing Neal!
    I always keep a few books back unread so I'm never waiting for them to be written lol.

    I have have Line War and Orbus sitting on the shelf waiting and then I will buy Scorpion and Technician :)

    BTW when reading The Gabble, in the story *checks book* "Snow in the Desert" you mention a creature called a Sand Shark...did you steal that idea from my display picture? ;) haha.

  6. Hi Neal,
    I don't know how closely you follow reviews of your books, but The Technician has one on the Fantasy Review website here;

  7. Thanks for that - I'll post it anon.
