Well, things seem to be stirring on the Hollywood front. I’ve just heard from Tim Miller at Blur Studios that one Robert Rodriguez has now optioned the Heavy Metal project and that in so doing he doesn’t get any of the stories/concepts/art previously submitted. This unfortunately means that you won’t be seeing a total of five of my short stories animated for the big screen. However, along with this bad news came the good, and it seems that something might happen with a certain short story called Snow in the Desert. This was, as those of you who have been following this saga might remember, a story of interest to some guy whose name was ... damnit, what was it, er, Thomas travel, Tommy Journey? No, I’m sure it had something to do with ships. Cruise?
As I noted in my previous post an LA producer also got in contact with me wanting a chat. Now this may be connected to the above or have nothing to do with it. Since, as I’ve discovered, these things tend to be rather secretive, i.e. say anything about this and we’ll have to have you shot, I’ll try to keep you updated but can’t promise to.
Of course all this is very exciting and leads to some drunken speculation out on our Papagianades terrace of an evening, but I’m not holding my breath. I keep on with the bread-and-butter work of writing the books and trying to keep you guys entertained and, if I get too big-headed, Caroline will certainly find me some sweeping up to do or a toilet to clean.
Monday 8th August
Damn, I had to take a bit of a break from typing from Wednesday last week because of something annoyingly petty: the end of my little finger hurt. It’s some form of RSI from typing I’ve had before which results in the end of a finger hurting quite a lot at a simple touch. ‘Type with your other fingers!’ I hear the cry. No, if I carry on it tends to spread to other fingers. Now I’m attempting to be a bit less heavy handed, which will of course change when I get excited about something I’m writing. Which reminds me: I once actually managed to wear a hole through the space bar of one of those old grey keyboards, so why is it now that they tend to go wrong before I can get anywhere near that stage?
Along with the cicadas and other big insects we’re getting some of the nice big spiders appearing here now. This one, which is about two inches across, has made its home on the side border leading up to the ‘ruin’. The day after I damaged its web with the spray from a hose pipe the line of white glyphs appeared on its web below it. A rough translation runs something like this, ‘Stop breaking my web – I’m eating those noisy buggers for you!’
So, just before my swim to the harbour I noted a large boat moored outside the harbour, just beyond the buoys marking the dividing line between the swimmers and the jet skis. As I set out the water was clear enough for me to see the frappe cups and plastic water bottles on the bottom. About halfway to the harbour I noted slews of a pink substance floating just below the surface and thought that might be something I’d seen before: masses of globular objects that had to be eggs of some kind. At the harbour I turned round and swam back, momentarily encountering what I briefly thought was a jelly fish but turned out to be a plastic bag, which is why so many jelly-fish eating turtles are dying with guts packed with plastic. After a relax on the beach, reading the Hyperion omnibus by Dan Simmons and then having to put it down before suffering RSI, I went for another swim with my new mask and snorkel. There wasn’t much to see, unless you enjoy drifts of coffee stirrers, fragments of plastic sheeting and the occasional dilapidated tennis ball. I then noted more of that pink stuff, along with something else floating near the surface. This other object, this brown lump, changed my earlier assessment of what that pink stuff was. Andrex, probably. I’m guessing the people on that boat are flushing their toilet straight into the sea. Nice of them.
But of course turds and toilet paper swiftly come apart and rot down in the ocean so, apart from inclining me to scrub really hard in the shower and wash out my mouth repeatedly, these are nowhere near as much of a problem as all that plastic out there. The environmentalists should be focusing on stuff like that, which is one of the many reasons why I get so angry with their present preoccupations, like their insistence on the need to build bird choppers (American whooping crane anyone?), or their delight in the closing down of nuclear power stations in countries that last saw big earthquakes and tsunamis when Noah was wishing he’d left out the woodpeckers. And of course, I utterly despise their need to get rid of a gas that is a plant food and which they insist magically causes snow storms whilst also frying us in our beds, despite the fact that the main thing to track the rise in quantity of that gas in our atmosphere is the number of luxury cars being hired at climate change conferences.
With these riots going on in London, Teresa May tells us, ‘The police need the help and support of the local community,’ which is the usual politician-speak urban-elite claptrap. Well, here is the result of decades of ‘sensitive’ urban policing, irresponsible parents, a complete lack of punishment for criminals, political manipulation of the police, HSE bollocks, and cops being employed and promoted on the basis of gender, racial equality, their political correctness and ability to fill in reports, rather on them being over six feet tall and capable of collaring thugs. What the police need, Teresa, is to grow a set. Perhaps what we could do with is a few less diversity-trained ethnic outreach community relations officers, and a few more fifteen stone hairy bastards who know how to use a truncheon.
Ach, enough of that.
Cool you're snorkelling there Neal. It's a bit of the same over here in Malta re. plastic bags/cups in the sea, although mostly not as bad as it sounds there.
ReplyDeleteHere is the US there are strict laws about onboard toilets. Everything has to go to a holding tank and flushing is only allowed X miles off shore. Not sure what it's like over there but like anything else...such laws are about as effective as the ones for speeding and paying taxes.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the plastic issue. I see green sea turtles quite commonly while swimming and have directly observed them snapping at small pieces of floating plastic. (For what it's worth, I've never actually seen one swallow the plastic though. Not to say it doesn't happen as all evidence points to the fact it does).
Riots and Looting, time to take Norman Tebbit out if Cryogenic Freeze and deploy "the Thatcher" make riot areas free fire zones, and let God sort em out.
ReplyDeleteNot sure I got that right. You started a 432 pages book in the morning and finished it that night at 2 AM? Damn, I'm a slow reader...
ReplyDeleteInteresting blog entry on the rioting / looting here:
Well worth a read IMHO.
i FOUND a copy of HALF PAST HUMAN-Bass. what the hell. the shitty cover woulda been a toss for me unfortunately a few years ago. goddam. had to brag. pretty happy day & reading about SNOW IN THE DESERT. cool cool.
Strangely enough I've just reread that story. If they do anything with it I hope you get some involvement so it doesn't turn out to be a bad Mad Max clone or a Steel Dawn rehash.
ReplyDeleteYou might want to consider some sort of online backup for your work. USB flash drives are pretty hardy but they're not infallible. Your writing is your work so it's pretty vaulable. I'd suggest you pick an online service you can upload to but use TrueCrypt to encrypt it before you upload. then it's nice and safe for you to download at your leisure and no one online can get at it.
you can use TrueCrypt to protect your laptop too so if it does get nicked you don't need to worry about Jupiter War appearing where it shouldn't. Best of all it's free.
Also memory crystals are on the horizon now...
Xanares, there's little point in snorkelling off the sandy beach here - not much to see. It's okay off the more remote beaches.
ReplyDeleteI imagine the law is the same here Sean, else we'd have raw sewerage flowing out of the harbour.
Jimmy, but they're socially deprived, despite the £100 trainers and Blackberries...
Nuno, that also included a few hours of sleep in the afternoon.
Duracell, my interest in the rioting is fading fast.
Glad you got hold of a copy, Vaude. It should be rereleased as a classic.