Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mass-Market USA Brass Man

Blimey, it seems they are now printing or reprinting mass-market copies of Brass Man in the USA, which means I get my free books. This is great, I really love free books, but what the hell do I do with them? And how much longer before my loft collapses on top of us one evening? I guess I could try selling them as signed copies over the Internet. Mmm, perhaps it’s time to put up a list again of what I have available…

And here, of course, is a blog post demonstrating how I am trying to escape the mind-numbing tedium of editing. However, I should not complain! Because there’s a danger here of me turning into one of those effete writer pricks who complains about how he suffers for is art and how it is all such a terrible trial.

What I need to firmly plant in my mind is grafting all day digging a foundation hole in clay, for £30; strimming round trees and, because I was wearing goggles only and not a full-face visor, discovering what dog shit tastes like; pulling off a glove, after foolishly trying to reposition a running mower deck, and seeing the end of my finger split open and the bone frayed like a paint brush; never seeing the sunlight for most of the winter working in a machine shop, and perpetually stinking of coolant oil … I’ll stop there, you get the idea.

So, back to editing with joy in my heart!


  1. Butter mountains.
    Milk lakes.
    Book ..blank.. ?

    Takes me back to a conversation on here a while ago, about writers setting themselves up as brands.
    Would it be so bad if you sold signed books ?
    Maybe for a tenner extra, you can get a personalized message ?
    Maybe for 50 quid you get a bit of a story that you started but never got around to finishing ?

    I for one was drooling at the prizes for the bookmarks competition – just a shame I SUCK at Photoshop lol.

    Book forests ?

  2. No, I wouldn't charge extra for a signature - bit mean. I will get round to putting up a list of books available at some point. My ony problem is having to get up there and catalogue new arrivals.

    Hey, if anyone wants a signed copy of anything (prior to The Departure) get in contact and ask, then I can check.

  3. Just out of interest, what does dogshit taste like?
    I have done some shit jobs myself but nothing quite as visceral as that!

  4. Some background, Huan: the thing about grass verges and council grass areas in villages, you discover, when strimming, is that a lot of pets tend to crap next to trees. I had some of that delightful substance spatter on my teeth. I tastes, Huan, like dog shit.

  5. Don't be a nob. Run a christmas competition, and give some away as prizes. Signed of course:

    Happy Christmas (though not necessarily in the religious sense, but you know what I mean) loyal reader and fan, may all your interstellar dreams come true.

    PS: Nob is todays abusive term of the day.

  6. I always thought it would be a good one to put on census forms.
    NOB - none of your business.

  7. I've always wondered, why they send you soooo many books. Hell it's not like you don't know the story.

  8. It's in the contract, Neil: 10 hardbacks on first release, then 20 paperbacks a year later when the mass-market paperback comes out.In my case the hardbacks go to family and friends but the paperbacks linger. I then get foreign editions: between 2 or 3 and maybe 10 when I only really need 1. Tor US send me the 10 & 20 of my British contract on top.

    If you're a book every two or three years kind of writer then that'a probably okay. Since through Macmillan I've done about 15 books in 11 years (I think) I've built up a bit of a backlog.

    Pictures later, I think, and then anyone who wants to buy a signed copy of something can email me.

  9. ed leedskalnin`s [coral castles]PMH /transformer has been remaid many times however they have failed to see that the PMH takes a DC charge and alternates it like AC, HE BUILT A PMH into the walls of his castle and used a SMALL PMH inside his castle for lift known that aternating DC will repell ALTERNATING DC, when ed died the U.S. gov took his idea [like Tesla`s many] and connected the inter and outer PMH`S together [there fake/real ships], WE could build one.

  10. Sorry, Stephen, I've no idea what you're on about.
