Saturday, November 26, 2011

Space Battles

Fascinating reading the discussion here on


  1. Have you read the 'Lost Fleet' books by Jack Campbell? Military-sci-fi porn with fleet manoeuvres.

  2. I recently bought a copy - haven't got round to it yet.

  3. Make sure you read the first one first Neal, There are six books in the series, Dauntless is the first. Good set of stories.

  4. Bob, while I was in the shop I checked through them and picked up what I hoped was the first book. You've now confirmed it - I have a copy of 'Dauntless'.

  5. Interesting discussion indeed, although a conflict would probably be pretty one-sided, as mentioned in the forum. Are you actually familiar with the Warhammer universe?

  6. Thezzphai, No, I'm not very familiar with it, but then I'm deliberately avoiding all sorts of games because they would get in the way of my writing. Incidentally, if you look down on the right side of this blog you will find the Warhammer Prador Codex.

  7. The comment about the Tyranids on Spatterjay had me laughing out loud. They're the a Seriously Scary Major Monster Species in the Warhammer universe and I quite agree that Spatterjay would have no trouble making a meal, possibly a light snack out of them.

  8. Yea that one was pretty funny, although a Carnifex infected by the Spatterjay Virus would be pretty scary.
    Thanks for pointing me to the Prador Codex, too, Neal. Was a pretty interesting read.
