Thursday, December 22, 2011

John Carter (2012) Trailer 2 HD 1080p

Okay. I watched one trailer and wasn't convinced, but seeing this one I now know I've got to see this. I think John Carter of (on?) Mars was about one of the first SFF books I ever read. It was the big four-armed green bugger on the cover that attracted my attention.


I was looking round for the cover picture of 'John Carter of Mars' which shows you how your memory plays tricks with you. The first of these books I read was 'A Princess of Mars'.


  1. Anonymous4:14 am


  2. looks avatar-lite and dated but then i never read the books. it might be a god film, but sf rarely dates that well.

    now this i'm a lot more interested in:

  3. You've got to remember, Dan, that this is Edgar Rice Burroughs - the guy who wrote Tarzan. I wouldn't even view it as SF but fantasy.

  4. Hah, and checking on Mr Burroughs' output I see that I read all his Mars and Venus books, yet I showed no interest in his Tarzan books. Already, pre-teen, I'd been taken by the dark side.

  5. I'm in. I love those books. Just reread the first three of them via Kindle scifi classics.

    It's got the be classed as fantasy, we know too much about Mars now for it to be anything else. Fingers crossed it's not teeth-jarringly awful.

  6. Neal, you see 'Conan' since you got the REH bug early on? it was pretty rotten emo poo, avoid if you can. the snake was pretty amazing, some of the sets, but goddam what a bloated foible. up there with 'Judge Dredd' in dropping the ball.

    doesn't it look a bit like the movie trailer for 'Antz' with the latest Conan movie? anyone?

  7. Olaf, it's sometimes disappointing to go back to those books. Nostalgia is all very well but generally doesn't cut it.

    Well, Vaude, I actually enjoyed Conan the Barbarian. It was also one of the films I complained about to either the BBC or ITV. They cut it so badly the plot was completely fucked. Maybe you saw a version like that?

  8. i saw it uncut in a theater with 8 others. no applause. the snake looked good though.

    i wasn't a fan of the first one either, at that young age the shitty orgy was ok (loved Devil in Miss Jones & Caligula by then), the sets were like dummied De Laurentiis' Flash Gordon 80s pap.


    ps: pal o' yours?

  9. You are right of course, and the director has a great pedigree (wall-E), do the finished product may make s good film but it should be a fantasy-classed film rather than sf-one in that case.

  10. try this one:

    click on it for magnification. lumpy 'un.
