Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday 28th May

I haven’t got a lot to say, or rather a lot of time in which to say anything since the work on the kitchen never seems to end, so here are some pictures. The first is of a visitor to our garden, who stuck around for a while sunbathing on our stepping stones then either buggered off because of the cats that come here, or was eaten by them. Unfortunately the leopard snake that appeared by our pots was too quick, so no pictures of that.

Next a selection of pictures of the tiling job in the kitchen:


  1. When you finish this writing lark I've a job for you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice job - same here (tiling:)

  4. let's hang around Asherville shall we?

  5. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Is the wife happy though, that's the acid test.

  6. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Busy uh? Good! no time to be naughty ;)

  7. Thud, the problem is that I'll never be finished with this writing lark, but thanks all the same.

    Ricardo, of course the pictures are face on so you can't see the ones I didn't get level...

    Vaude I note the pigs from Pig City in Cowl there.

    Skar, she is ... though perhaps she'd like me to socialise a bit more.

    Chris, I'll find the time.
