Friday, October 26, 2012

Jerry Bauer

Quite a while ago I did a blog post concerning a photographer called Jerry Bauer who took my first 'author photograph' (the one here). It seems that there isn't much about this guy on the Internet and, as a result, I keep getting people contacting me concerning rights to his photographs. They want to be put in contact with his son Jonathan Bauer. Unfortunately I lost contact details through various changes of computer in the past. So, if anyone out there knows those contact details could they please get in touch using the email at the bottom of my biog on the right.

1 comment:

  1. I rep Jerome Charyn. We've been looking for Jerry Bauer for years. So sorry to hear the news. I will try to find his estate and will surely contact you if I do., admin of FB page for JC's latest novel.
