Saturday, November 03, 2012


Bloody hell!


  1. Hi Neal - you should probably be aware that (According to his forum) Simmons is furious about this and has his lawyers all over it... Cheers, Rob.

  2. the acting is almost video game cgi hilarious.

  3. Top comment is from Dan Simmons himself.

    "From Dan Simmons, the author of the HYPERION CANTOS: this video is a blatant infringement of my copyright and the copyrights of Graham King Films and Warner Brothers, to whom I sold all film/TV rights for the true version of HYPERION now in development"


  4. Rob, no, I didn't know that. I just clicked no something marked 'Hyperion' and was fascinated to hear and see what was there.

    Vaude, I was feeling generous and thought the guy from the flier might be plankish in context only.

    Bascule, and knowing just how things go in filmland we probably won't ever see a Hyperion film from Warner Brothers. Frankly, if someone did a film clip like this of a scene from one of my books I would be flattered.

  5. But do you have a lucrative deal with Warner that you would be obliged to defend, however flattered you might feel? That's liable to make a big difference in how one reacts to these things.

  6. Yeah, there is that, Steve.

  7. It was ok. Nothing to write home about other than the original subject matter. It would be nice to see some of the more "High Brow" science fiction getting a proper outing on film. Enough of of Transformers, Battleship etc. Lets have something a bit mind bending, it must be due. Brass Man, followed by out of sequence sequels and prequels.

  8. I was enjoying that until the actors turned up
