Saturday, February 02, 2013

The Departure in the USA

Okay, The Departure comes out in the USA on Feb 5th, but it seems you can already get the E-book here on Baen

The people at Night Shade Books are looking forward to bringing The Owner Trilogy to print in the US and have scheduled The Departure for publication Feb 5, 2013 with Zero Point following May 7, 2013 and Jupiter War September 3, 2013 (catching up with publication of that last book in Britain). Nicely keying into that my short story The Other Gun will be appearing in Asimov’s April/May issue that year with, of course, mention of these books in attached biog. It should be an interesting year with those three books slamming into the American market in rapid succession. In essence this should work as quite a profile-raising exercise.


Well, now it's been pointed out to me:

"British author Asher is rapidly becoming one of the major figures in 21st century SF" - Publishers Weekly.


  1. I actually picked up a hardcopy of this at my Local Barnes and Noble a couple of weeks ago.

  2. I bet you hugged yourself extra-hard when you read that Publishers Weekly quote, eh? :)

  3. Eh, Publisher's Weekly quote?

  4. Jezcentral, I guess I can't be described as eagle-eyed. I've only just spotted that quote on the cover.

  5. Great PW quote, congrats! I actually picked up a copy in my local BN a week or so ago as well.

  6. I hope you enjoy it, Carl. BN - Barnes & Noble. I take it you're in the US?

  7. Yes, sorry I should have clarified. In Kansas City, Missouri (fairly smack dab in the middle). I didn't realize until I was seeing it crop up around the internet that the release day hadn't even arrived because they had shelved a stack of The Departure face out in the new books section of the SFF shelves at least a week ago.

  8. Interesting. I received my paperback copy from on January 16th and have of course already read it.

    I have Zero Point on order with a May 8th delivery date and Jupiter War scheduled for August 15th.

    Living in Texas, but born in the UK.

  9. If you haven't seen it yet, you're featured on the io9 scifi blog...


  10. Carl V and Michael, seems bookshops (and definitely Amazon) don't take a whole lot of notice of release dates.

    Thank you AgentPants.

  11. Generally there is no way I can find books released early at BN but in this case that was happening. I imagine it cuts into sales figures for the first week and that makes me wish I had waited and bought it on the actual official release date.

  12. Carl, you bought the book, so thank you kindly!
