Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jupiter War is out there!

Well, as is always the case there are those getting their copies of my next book before the release date and enjoying a good gloat about it. Others are crying in the wilderness because it hasn't turned up yet. One person I know of has already read it, while another in South Africa is waiting for it to turn up on his Kobo.

But Jupiter War is out there!

And just to give this post a little more interest. Here's an earlier iteration of the cover:



  1. Anonymous9:46 am

    I would have been gloating too, had some twat not cloned my card the day before Amazon was due to take payment for my copies (hardback and Kindle edition). Card blocked, no Jupiter War. Forget the £1,500 stolen, NO F@CKING JUPITER WAR!
    Off to track down the hacker with a view to ramming his computer where the sun doesn't shine.

  2. Woke up at 5:50 when the missus got up for work, fired up the tablet, got my copy (plus some other book by some Reynolds guy) and proceeded to devour the first two chapters. Fantastic.

  3. Well I didn't realise there was such a big difference in prices between the kindle versus the hardcover. Who takes it on the chin so to speak regarding the difference? You, the publishers or Amazon?

    As one of my top tier authors, you will remain a physical book purchase but I did waver for a second. Due to space issues I have bought a paperwhite ereader, for new authors. I think my poor wife was loosing it a bit with the number of shelves devoted to my sci-fi fantasy books, though I do have my eye on a free wall :)

    Sorry to hear about your mum, and I hope Carolines convalescence is trouble free. A difficult time I would imagine.

    On a slightly lighter note, any book signings planned for later this year.

  4. Started reading it at 3:30 am this morning because the baby woke up and needed a feed!

    (Downloaded it to the kindle).

    Great stuff, really enjoying it. Serene Galahad is definitely a wacko!

  5. Just went out looking for JW in our local bookshop, not there, forgot to ask if they had any as I was too eager to get home. We'd just found a market stall specialising in ecigs. I got a Joytech ego-twist VV battery. I needed to rush home and try it.

    Just charged it and running it at 4v, wow a lot of vapour, nice flavour too. What are you running your spinner at?

  6. I'm the poor idiot waiting for it to become available at Kobo. I don't use their ereader, but they are the only large site that sell ePub versions of ebooks to my region. I'm sad to report that it's been one issue after the next. At least progress has been made to a point where I can see the ebook listed, I just can't buy it since it gives an error message before getting to checkout. I still live in hope.

  7. I'm panicking. Amazon says it's not available for Kindle, with a publishing date of yesterday and I'm wrapping up Zero Point and I want to roll right into JW and [deep breath] I'm panicking.

  8. At least my saga has a happy ending. Just a few minutes ago I finally managed to buy a copy from Kobo. Not sure why there were all these issues. Looks like there was some delay with getting the ePub files out to stores and then Kobo had technical difficulties selling the file. One of my most frustrating purchase ever, but I finally got it.

  9. Alright, does anyone know who/what/when/how JW will get to this side of the pond?

    I've been all over Amazon, B&N, KOBO, and anywhere else google can send me and the closest I can find is the JW isn't coming out in the US until May 2014?????

    Please, please, please tell me that this is just a giant blunder somehow.

    I'd really like to get the epub form, but I'll take what I can get right now.

    Inquiring (US) minds want to know!

    I hope I don't have to go through this when the Penny Royal series is released!

  10. @Sandra: Unfortunately that's indeed the case. JW is published by Night Shade over in the US and they are going to bring it out later than the UK releases.

    Of course if you are extremely desperate you might want to consider a brief UK 'visit' in the Kobo store (briefly changing your address to a valid UK one should allow you to purchase the UK edition).

    Of course you'll then have to pick up the US editions too when they become available so Night Shade can see that there is indeed a market for Neal's work.

  11. @Sandra You can always get the HB first edition from the Book Depository, free delivery worldwide.


    If you want a valid UK address, to get the kobo edition, I'll happily furnish the address of the idiot down the road from me.

  12. March of 2014? We need to work on some kind of a global network that will allow the near-real time delivery of digital goods and services.

  13. Hi Neal. Will I be able to get hold of a signed copy anywhere?

  14. Hi Neal. Will I be able to get hold of a signed copy anywhere?

    Now I have a name :-)

  15. Finished the book yesterday. A great read and really enjoyed it.

    (Apologies to our American friends - I'm not gloating!)

  16. The book shop I go to said May 6th 2014 for us Americans :( If you prefer real books like I do & can't wait go to Amazon UK . I did that with Orbus . BTW if Green peace & Hitler had a baby it would be Serene Galahad .

  17. The book shop I go to said May 6th 2014 for us Americans :( If you prefer real books like I do & can't wait go to Amazon UK . I did that with Orbus . BTW if Green peace & Hitler had a baby it would be Serene Galahad .

  18. Place to go for US buyers who can't wait is the book depository. Free shipping. Just click on the image of Jupiter War beside this blog and you're there.

  19. I most certainly will be getting my copy, asap! Although, I'm wondering if I shouldn't wait for another one of your personal signed offers. (The ones I have from you are my treasures). Just letting you know that I am doing all I can to spread the word about you in the States and pray for the day when you decide to do a con or two :D

  20. Hey Neal, any chance of further books in the owner universe? Maybe expanding on some of the stuff in the engineer reconditioned.
