Friday, November 08, 2013

The Benefits of Vaping

Here's a nice info-graphic from E-Liquid Labs. It is in their own best interest to put out something like this, however, I find it interesting because though there's lots of stuff out there telling you of the timeline benefits of stopping smoking, which is of course inclusive of stopping nicotine, this is the first I've seen for vaping.


  1. Haven't been vaping for 3 weeks now, bronchitis and vaping don't mix. Cleaned all my tanks, coils etc and put em in a box. Guess that's me done with nicotine for good.

  2. Well done. Just keep the vaping stuff as a back-up, though you should stick your e-liquid in the fridge.

  3. A very helpful graph to encourage people into trying a healthier alternative to smoking. Being a long time smoker, the transition from analogs to vaporizers was hard. The key is to vaping 11-12mg nic juices, then gradually lowering the nic content. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Paul Larter @ Vape TIme

  4. Anonymous10:42 pm

    It's really a great challenge to quit smoking, especially if you've been a chain smoker for almost all your life. It's good to find an alternative first, and I think vaping is a good one because it does not contain nicotine. In any way, I hope you're faring great, Neal! Thanks for sharing that wonderful information! Kudos and all the best to you!

    Lucia Malone @ Carolina Vapor Mill

  5. Vaping isn’t smoking. Nothing is being burned. E-liquid contains only nicotine, 2 liquids widely used in food and medicines, and food-grade flavourings.
