Friday, January 17, 2014

The Engineer ReConditioned

So, anyway, someone complained on Twitter that this short story collection The Engineer ReConditioned wasn't available as an ebook. I got onto John Betancourt at Wildside Press who publish this and pushed to have it done. He mulled over the idea of a bit of a relaunch whereupon I suggested he get Jon Sullivan in to do the cover picture. Here then is the result:

Mysterious aliens ... ruthless terrorists ... androids with attitude ... genetic manipulation ... punch-ups with lasers ... giant spaceships ... what more could you want? This great collection of 10 short stories by the author of Gridlinked, The Skinner, In the Line of Polity, and many more is a great read!

Note: The Engineer ReConditioned is a revamp plus some additional stories of the book below, which means it contains stuff a minimum of 16 years old.

Oh, and if you can find copies of this, I've seen them going for $125 on Ebay.


  1. "someone complained on Twitter"...

    It was me! And I'd prefer to think of it as making useful suggestions to increase your sales ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, Neal,
    I saw that one of your books is a Kindle Daily Deal on Amazon US today.

  4. Hi Neal - will this also be published as a new paperback?

    Best regards, Richard

  5. The publisher was talking about doing a trade paperback of it. I'll check.

  6. Hi Neal

    Are there any plans to republish Runcible Tales as an ebook. It is the only one of your canon I have not been able to acquire

  7. Maybe, Richard - when I have the time.

  8. How was this eBook produced? Was it OCR'd from a printed copy, from your original text or an edited text? I ask because I'm a third of the way through it and have come across several typos - which is unusual for your books. For example, in the last sentence to your introduction "About Snairls" it makes the strange comment "meagrely sip bear". I *assume* it's supposed to read "sip beer". This strikes me as the kind of error you get with OCR and spellcheck systems.

    Might be worth a proof read, correction and a republish of the eBook. Certainly before producing a new paperback!

  9. The publisher was talking about doing a trade paperback of it. I'll check...

    Great to hear Neal - would love to have this one in hardcopy.

    Thank you, Richard

  10. Amazon US has Hilldiggers today as the daily Sci Fi Kindle deal.

  11. Question: Does Mr Sullivan read the books then do pictures? Or does he take a stab from the synopsis? Sure it's been asked and answered elsewhere, but the brain gets rather overfull and files things in dark corners, so it can regurgitate them as sleep apparitions, to ensure that I know exactly what the hour between 3 and 4am sounds an looks like.
