Monday, August 25, 2014

More Resolutions

So how much writing have I done lately? I’m ashamed to say not a lot at all. It’s not like I haven’t been active because, over the last few months, I’ve swum miles and kayaked miles and prior to that I walked for miles.

Now this seems to be a rather extreme version of that writerly cup of coffee – just another reason to get up from the desk and not do any writing. But as I’ve mentioned here before (I think) all this physical activity has been a way of shutting down my mind while writing, of course, tends make it a lot more active. So do I want to wake up now?

I think it’s time. As I write this it has been seven months since Caroline died. Certainly, that’s not been enough time for my mind to put itself back into order, but now I’m wondering if I should be proactive – force the issue, get back on the horse, slap myself into shape. The constant physical activity now seems a form of denial – a way of hiding from horrible reality. I have to impose some self-discipline.

Henceforth I am setting goals. A few weeks back I was again working through the second Penny Royal book – in a rather desultory way. I am now going work through 50 pages a day before I set out to knacker myself with kayaking and swimming. And I’m damned well going to write a blog for here at least every couple of days.

Yup, 50 pages done.     


  1. Nice to hear you setting some goals, I guess you get to the point where the brain muscle needs some exercise too 😊

  2. Undo the tap and let all that good work spill out on the page....
    My colleague is a fan and is stuck in hospital looking for something to read... fell off his bicycle and broke his hip...ouch...

  3. Utterly selfish of me, but glad to hear of your intent to up the blog output. I do enjoy them mate :)

  4. There's nothing as sweet as a few hours of kayaking to clear the mind and nourish the soul.

    My kayak is my happy place.
