Sunday, January 03, 2016

Neal Asher Video Clip 03/01/2016 Part One

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  1. The generation ships mentioned in one of the questions is from the intro to chapter 6 of Brass Man. Basically an explanation how the Polity expanded into the stars. It's mentioned that some of them are still in transit.

  2. Regarding the art for technology... I remember collaborating with someone on the Polity forums a few years ago for the Shuriken design. My life is finally slowing down to the point where I wouldn't mind tossing ideas for a few more designs around. Feel free to contact me

  3. How did your idea of Polity drones evolve over time? I remember a scene in one of the earlier books, where an AI ship is following the path of Trafalgar out of the Polity, running into an abandoned drone. The way that drone was described as a fairly primitive machine with limited intelligence, jarred a bit on rereading with the fully formed drones that are introduced in Prador Moon.

  4. Cheers. Good stuff. Glad to hear 'ersatz' will be making fewer appearances. Little things like that cause me to surface from the lovely 'reading trance' good fiction puts me in. You know, when you look up and realised it's four in the morning and three hours sleep is not ever going to be enough! Cowl really did that for me. Wonderful book.
