Saturday, November 29, 2008

Neal Asher E-books

I picked this up from a website called galleycat but it's scattered all over the Internet elsewhere too. I signed the addendum to my contracts just a little while ago so this could go ahead.

Pan Macmillan Partners with Popular iPhone Reader

Books by John Scalzi, Clive James, Peter F. Hamilton, China Mieville and Neal Asher can now be purchased for the iPhone, as Pan Macmillan partnered with the e-reader company, Lexcycle--becoming one of the largest publishers to step into this new digital realm.
The first round of titles are available on the iPhone and iPod Touch using Lexcycle's Stanza application, and the companies expect to add more titles over the next year. In addition, the partnership will allow Stanza readers to sample bestsellers in special excerpts.
Sara Lloyd, Digital Director of Pan Macmillan, said her company had studied the market carefully before the partnership. From the press release: "Since the iPhone launched its App Store we have been watching developments closely to see which reading apps became most popular. Lexcycle's Stanza emerged very quickly as a clear leader in its category and so we immediately made contact to ask about developing a strategic partnership to bring our ebooks to readers through this new channel," she explained.


  1. Hi Neal,
    I spotted this some time ago over on Sfcrowsnest.

    So how does this work out for you? Do you still get the same amount of royalties or is there another method implemented? And what about illegal copies of your work, for example is it downloadable to your PC and can it be copied or converted into another format? I can't help but feel that although it's a good idea and another outlet for writers' work it could be open to piracy etc.

  2. Oops, somehow my name got mixed up with the word verification on my last post!

  3. Thanks for doing the Shadow of the Scorpion ebook, too. I saw SF crowsnest interview that mentions a new collection with have an ebook version - is there any chance of that for your older books?

  4. I apologize for being late to the party, but is there anywhere to get ebooks of your stuff *except* on the iPhone?

