Thursday, December 04, 2008

More Heavy Metal.

Well, a little way back I did a post just pointing out that my involvement in Heavy Metal is now known and on the Internet. Industrious soul Phil Edwards at Live for Films picked up on this and requested an interview about that and one or two other things. I had to check what I could say, which was enough. You can find the interview here if you want to know about:

…my work on the Heavy Metal film and what I would do if was supreme overlord of Earth.



  1. Hey congrats on The Heavy Metal gig, Neal. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with and how it makes the leap from book to screen.
    Enjoyed your interview over on Phil's blog.
    BTW, if you are short of a hatchet for the chopping that you mentioned, I have a nice blunt and extremely rusty one in my shed. It's all yours :)

  2. Anonymous7:54 pm

    What you say in the interview about the heavy metal film sounds really cool. I hope it works out and there stays as much as possible of your work in it.

    And I just loved the idea about a Cormac-TV-series!!

  3. Cheers for that Neal and thanks for your comment on the blog Bob.

    Great interview and had a few people tell me how much they enjoyed reading it. Many a chuckle has been raised with the hatchet response and with the outcome of a Polity dreadnought vs a Contact GSV

  4. Bob & Martin it would be nice to see. As I said in the interview, I've already seen the artwork and it is stunning. I suggest you nip over to and play the quicktime movie up there now (Warhammer Online) to get an idea of the quality Blur produces.

    Phil, of course Mr Banks' drones are pretty sneaky too, just not so heavily armed.

  5. the warhammer online cgi rivals that of blizzards internal stuff - no mean feat by any standards. blur is a great studio and their short was excellent in that article you posted, neal.

    btw my money would be on a chamaeleonware-equipped ai polity attack ship like jack or king for the win!
