Tuesday, November 16, 2010

All Jon Sullivan Covers to Date

For those designing those books marks...


  1. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Are there any larger versions of Gridlinked, Voyage, Brass Man and the technician?

  2. So why do Brassman and Line of Polity both say "second Agent Cormac novel" ?

  3. Mr Asher. Get some cold weather gear and go out for a jolly good walk. If you look at the computer anymore you are going to get square eys and start talking in binary.

  4. David, Jon Sulllivan tells me that if anyone wants larger pictures to work with they can use those on his site.

    Phil, because one of those covers was a preview sent to me i.e. they used the format of a previous cover and hadn't yet altered that. The books now say neither of those things. The just say 'An Agent Cormac Novel', which is a bit annoying.

    Graeme ..0101010010000111101001

  5. Two bits short of three octets. Take two Aspirin and call me in the morning.
